Tanum / Vestmarka :
in Vestmarkveien, in a small side road then lives a policeman from
Sanvika p.stasjon; Lars Kostveit.
And at the bottom of
Tanumveien (Lagerud farm) lives a notorious Supreme Court judge named
Bergjlot Webster?
And lawyer Petter Munthe-Kaas (cf. yellow
pages). Hmmm Just off Vestmarkveien, there is an old homestead
Stokkerbråten (Stokker farm, them 3. the large farm on /
by the Tanum Plateau, in addition to Tanum and Ringi).
It was
bought by Boni Eiendom A / S, Bestun, Tom Boni.
name is foreign (hmmm mafia connections.Savoy ex?): Who has power far
up in Freemasons network. ( dok
The very small farm in the forest didnt had any road
connection.An the forest surrounding belong to the big farm
But Boni didnt care and start make road through the
private forest.The Owner of the forest was angry and try stop
road building.After a while the work was stopped.But then
again the got permition again to build the the road by some
Authoritys.Police boss the district that time was Terje Nybøe.Some
strange going on there now obvius.
Typical signal is that some
people form germany living aroung this place in small cottages. Just
like at Sotra island, A Germany
Family escape very Quick , in
their own private boat. Ig farben-aschwitch-dr Mengele - Bayer/ Basf
- Androchrome Biololabs.
Hmmm Bergjlot Webster (Former Nordic Shipowners' Association), her father was before Riksmeklingsman,His name was Reidar Webster .He lives at the far end of Bygdøy (cf. tlf.cat). Next to him was set up a building where AA holding is located. The chairman of the company is lawyer Aksel Akselsen. Acording to tele. cat. Son of president in Libanon has adress here, her is his yt: Virgin Island -British Embassady UAE Y some strange happens norway shipping . dok : ( Blackcastle ) Obvius involved in smuggling. Mention also obvious some connection between Norway and arabic mafia ( Vøyenenga ): Beirut Explosion. Pirat bus story from time before lockdown: Provo/satanism case from Sandvika, Elixia fitnes center Lately there have been quite a few young guys there (Pakistan? ) They are obviously homosexual. They come with freshly drilled buttholes (exploded fissures). And when they enter the men's wardrobe, they start drooling and staring when they see only men's butts. They have also been exhausted at bus stops in Sanvika and Asker. One evening this gay gang (3*pcs) was at the Kjørbo bus stop in Sandvika, At the same time 2 young women also came walking and waiting for the bus. They all get on the bus when it arrives. The two women who entered the bus at the Kjørbo bus stop in Sandvika together with the gay gang, were obviously 2 perverted, policewomen in civilian clothes (Manglerud?). They looked quite hungry. Fortunately, the last person turned in the door, just before it slammed again and the bus drove off. Hmm in Vestmarkveien, into a small side road, there lives a policeman from Sanvika station; Lars Kostveit. And at the bottom of Tanumveien (Lagerud gård) lives a notorious Supreme Court judge named Bergjlot Webster? And lawyer Petter Munthe-Kaas (cf. yellow pages). Hmm, was it one of these places the bus intended to drive? The case has possible similarities with the satanic bv case from hell at Ringaker Hmmm Just by Vestmarkveien, there is an old homestead called Stokkerbråten (Stokker farm, them 3. the large farm on/by Tanumsplatået, in addition to Tanum and Ringi).It was bought by Boni eiendom A/S, Bestun, Tom Boni. Hmmm Bestun murder:< link > some weaks ago 2 cactus plants coming after me again, This happens many times last years , they coming from the desert to Norway.But now last time something different. More shabby clothes and...: they look so desperate panic and afraid........ Ps:Cactus is a codeword for a word beginning with MO. and desert is in a place: name UT (2 first letters). Buss stop gyssestad: This is the buss stop the 2 desperate and afraid people went on the buss. The red mormoner church only 200 meters away. look gogle earth yourself. Pic shopping center Sandvika It was here also the 2 desperate and afraid people follow/passing me.
slike opplysninger så er nå saken anmeldt til spesialenheten,vedl .
kopi av anmeldelse:
av tyveri av barn ved bjerketun bup åpenbart i samarbeid lokalt
politi :
bjerketun åpenbart.nevner at rett ovenfor bjerketun in en prvt vei
til venstre
ligger en ganske nybygd hemmelig biolab på den
gamle husmannslassen Stokkerbråtan,
Hvor grusomme ting kan ha
skjedd.nevner at der stokkerelven renner ined i groseth juvet til
dammen ble det funnet både roser og candylight,
: https://www.pstpsycho.no/tansat.html
lokalt politi kan nevnes en historie fra rema 1000 : En hoveperson i
den lokale menneskehandler banden
her i distriktet heter Irene
Guldbrandsen.I samarbeid med diverse på toppen av jongskollen.de
måtte flytte
til skien og porsdgrunn.Jmf en annen anmeldelse av
advokatfirmaet Thommesen.
Vel utenfor rema 1000 sto en
audi stasjonsvogn parkert, Inni satt irene gulbrandsen og
stirret.Inne på
rema 1000 var en kjent politikvinne fra AB
politi: Annn Gørild Kjeldsen . også litt inpå sliten ja ,og
fryktelig historie om en bv jente som kom I fosterhjem, fordi faren
: Midtbygda Røyken jmf div snapchat chat:
men plutselig var hun
havnet på Dikemark; Hun er redd for å snakke.men
En annen mr
xx hadde kjennskap til til saken :
hvilken instutisjon?
Xxx: D
Meg: jeg kan besøke
Xxx ;8 avdeling
Meg: ah takk
hmmm mener du dagali?
avdeling dagali
ovefor det store
vardåsen slottet
Det er 32 døgnplasser fordelt på 3 enheter i seksjonen, to lukkede enheter samt en enhet for lokal sikkerhetspsykiatrisk
huff, hvordan her un kommet dit?
hun med fosterfaren?
om barnevernsvakta :
sammenligning "Beate"og en
tidligere AB politikvinne som gjorde selvmord,Discord nick
queen nær vennine med Nick "babygirl" Søster
av tidl. icehockey spiller marius Vogt - frisk asker.
ivolvert i bloddoping , selvsagt søsteren også involvert, og hennes
avdøde vennine queen.
Queen samarbeidet med mafia på rykkin,
fikk div. tjenester, motytelsen var åpenbart heftig sex.
anal sex også mmm".I tilleg hun medansvarlig i grove trusler på
nett .dok ( link
Telefonsamtale med Beate: Hørte en hysterisk
kvinestemme.Kunne virke som som hun var dopet.
Tilleg Discord etter lagt ut denne blogg i chatten:
Nickname Queen dukker plutselig opp som moderator:
et monster pervers vampyr fitte svin , har ikke hun gjort selvmord?.
ah, mulig sammenhenger
flere perverse vampyr fitter som puler
med pakistaner mafia sjefer for å oppnå noe.
Dett kan
nok muligens gjelde "Beate" : Bloddopet med androchrome
tappet fra torturerte bv barn til
de dør. Ok
om Annn Gørild Kjeldsen
pic show the monster criminal Norway female childtraffick police boss
named Annn Gørild Kjeldsen,
In pic 1 from the forest police
investigate candylights and flowers in the swamp very the river
falling down in,
Why police dont understand about the
secret biolab longer up by the river in the forest,Some horrible
happens there of cause,mention the secret biolab at
Stokkerbråten almost neigbour with Bjerketun child care
forest pic is old: only about 6 months ago,there was action.the
Bjerketun was closed in the nights.
Mention Gørild Kjeldsen
beeing boss at the local AB police , long time. The canvas pic show
the google street
wiev satan sign, just outside her house in
vakåsveien.pic 3 .this mean "putin/trump" know where she
Last pic show the the well proven monster criminal
childtrafficing mafia boss in the district:
Irene Guldbrandsen,Y
rem. some years ago at foodshoop, me could see irene guldbrsandsen in
Audi station wagon,Inside the shop was Ann Gørild
kjeldsen;they both looked serious threatening.
irene Guldbrandsen is almost neighbour to asker county mayor (
ordfører ) Lene Conradi at nesbru.
Lene Conradi knew about the
child stealing at bjerketun obvious for a long time. Obvious Irene
and Lene conradi have some coop.
Donaldf Trump on Rumble/X:
in the rumble video presdident trump talking about also catch the
real big fish. In my country Norway its many big fishes.eks
bee norway earlier minister of justice Monica Mæland , Norway
royals ,owners of th wecare at sotra island++
and Bjerketun
child care hospitals. Means Mayor my districkt Lene conradi coop
Irene Guldbrandsen.Many shipping companys;
røkke eks.Some
criminal Lawyer companys : Thommessen AS eks. And that that the
false pandemic has nothing to do with dangerous
virus. But
instead they hoped the covid kvakseri could make people more weak
and easier to controll in combi with 5g eksampel.
(; link )
Lene conraedi was very aggresive to get people kvaksinated. 1 boy
noor try to protest.But then lene conraedi threath refuse
go school and that Horrible norway child care should catch him+++++-