Oslo Vampire Satanism?

Oslo-Satanic monster-criminal pervert kidnapping and abduction of children

kjell inge ropstad
My family was at Familiehuset Nanna 
Marie. After various tests, the child
has developed well and excellently.
We were there for 5 months with the baby.  
situation was not acute. This is the 
second painful experience we have had 
in two years.
We have experienced twice that it is a
nightmare and life imprisoned in one's 
own body to lose one's child to child
It is about two years that the child 
welfare service has ruined our lives.
First, they kidnapped our first son. 
And inflicted on him post traumatic 
by separation. When have they taken 
away our dear 5 month old daughter. 
We parents have not seen our son in
a year and a half. Who is responsible
in this country for the child welfare's
criminal acts against children and the
parents who die little by little every 
day inside due to the enormous psychological
torture of the child welfare.
Help us those who hear our voice.
Help us get our daughter back. 
We have not done anything wrong. 
We have given our daughter love, 
security, closeness.
Kjell Ingolf Ropstad - krf
Satanic monster-criminal pervert
kidnapping and abduction of 

Krkens Bymisjon - Oslo - Bv-kidnapping - video    Kjell Ingolf Ropstad -krf

Cild Care kidnapping - video Kjell Ingolf Ropstad -krf
Where is the child now? Such kidnapping and forced adoption is strictly prohibited, cf. EMD
Hmmm, this bv video has been deleted from facebook. It proves ugly Panic.
This is serious misuse of evidence and is punishable. And it can be mentioned that a lawyer in Elden law firm
named Cecilia Dinardi is active in the Church's city mission. What does she know about the case?
And I remember
2 misjioners at nanna marie lived on
nesodtangem. (
tlf .cat ). Against the Bunnefjord. Bv lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen also lives on nesoddtangen (in the middle). 1 km
maybe.?.Hmmm ok.
The pic of the police is taken from fb site date 7.nov.2019.Big haloven party oslo was date : 28.okt 2019. ( doc ). 1 guest this party.
Linda helleland,was earlier Norway child care minister

Lawyer Holager Andenæs

Andenæs' work experiences
1973 - 1975 consultant, Consumer Ombudsman1975 - 1977 consultant, Oslo Tax Office1977 - 1982 police adjutant,
Oslo Police Chamber1982 - 1983 Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General 1983 - 1987
State Attorney, Eidsivating State Attorney's Office
1987 - 1994 Chief of ordnung Police, Oslo Police Chamber
1994 - 1994 Detective Chief, Oslo Police Department

March 1992: A person at a fitness center in western Oslo was accused of completely ridiculous rape allegations;
it was due to a possible false serial rape story, where a man is said to have followed
women in various stairwells and on, so that he could threaten himself in the front door,
when the woman locked herself in the apartment and he raped the girls.
A phantom drawing of the man had been made.
September: 1992; .A fitness center in Stebnersgaten in Oslo was suddenly closed, due to a sudden sharp increase in rent.
It moved to Aker pier (in the basement). But before that, some thefts happened there.
And 1 etherical oil with menthol for nose instead of unhealthy nose spray ,become forbidden.
In the winter of 1994, a collision occurred on a partially parked car in Asker Sentrum. The driver obviously came from
district asround the monster criminal , pervert  Blakstad psychiatric hospital. (Ellen Hagemo ex.)
Spring 1994
Swimmingpool. A concrete element filled with sand was suddenly set up, behind a car on the parking podium,

The lawyer Comapny Elden
Holager Andenæs has a daughter named Ida Andenæs who works in the Masonic law firm Elden. Which does not recommend a historic lawsuit against the controversial child welfare chief in Samnanger: hmmm now indefinite Their reason was, like "Reikerås!" understands that there is no practice for suing public employees who can thus "hide" their abuse under the employer's responsibility. However, the Norwegian practice in this area diverges from what the European Court of Human Rights says about personal responsibility. In the case between ERDİNÇ KURT and others and Turkey from June 2017, the EMD states the following that is worth noting: "59. Accordingly, the Court's task is to verify the effectiveness of the remedies used by the applicants and thus to determine whether the judicial system ensured the proper implementation of the legislative and statutory framework designed to protect patients' physical integrity.That entails ascertaining whether the remedy in question actually enabled the applicants to have their allegations examined and to ensure that any breach of the regulations by the doctors was penalized. "Consequently, there is no doubt that it comes with a personal responsibility for those who violate human rights. As the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is Norwegian law with the rank of the Constitution, it is NOT the case that public servants who violate human rights should escape responsibility. the repair obligation that Norway is required to follow. This also applies to the former head of child welfare in Samnanger. Another employee in the Masonic law firm Elden, is Cecilia Dinardi. She lives fashionably in Holmenkoll road. I read she works / has worked in the Oslo City Mission. What does she know about the satanic children abducted from the Oslo City Mission's center on Nordstrand (forced adoption)?

Oslo Satanism - Androchrome / Vampire crime?
Drawings of photos from fb + andochrome bide collection on twitter ..

advokat elden Image

homenkollen satanisme

John Christan Elden        Cecilia Dinardi      Kronprins Hakon Magnus

Cecilia Dinardi was / is very active in the Oslo City Mission, where the now closed mission
center Nana-maria
some children disappeared. above picture. It was Freemason police man
Hans Sverre Sjøvold who was police
champion in Oslo at the time.Hmmm also the leader of
Krf: Kjell Ingolf Ropstad is with I oslo city mission.The last
It is currently revealed that
androchrome blood drugs are produced around people around Norway.

Vampire / cannibalism crime so serious that it is beyond. Was it perhaps vampire crime that

the children who were stolen in collaboration with the Norwegian police,
were exposed afterwards?
Picture documnetation :  andros.
rem. more about nanamarie case:Lawyer Cecilia Dinardi was send to other smaller town
sandefjord after the case?.But so quick she was back in main Elden office in Oslo again.
rem me didnt understand that time hahaha, before now when me see the pedokrat pic.
1 more.
Crownprince hakon Magnus of Norway must be a very dangerous man.
mention Crownprince Hakon is close friend with his "Cousin";
prince william of England.......................................

About Elden and the Birgitte Tengs case : Nettavisen

In the Book about the case, the main character is called Espen Espeseth, the same name as the freemason man
to Sylvi Listhaug. Hmmm who has lashed away NOK 30 million from Oslo municipality
money on a worthless plot of land in Spain
( dok ), It is obvious that such "stupid" people cannot have anything more leader
responsibility in Norwegian society.
About Emilie Enger Mehl and the Enger mafia androchrome gangsters ( dok ) .Confirmed by top secret signals.

2 mysterius places Oslo District:

Tanum / Vestmarka :
Hmm in Vestmarkveien, in a small side road then lives a policeman from Sanvika p.stasjon; Lars Kostveit.
And at the bottom of Tanumveien (Lagerud farm) lives a notorious Supreme Court judge named Bergjlot Webster?

And lawyer Petter Munthe-Kaas (cf. yellow pages). Hmmm Just off Vestmarkveien, there is an old homestead called
Stokkerbråten (Stokker farm, them 3.
the large farm on / by the Tanum Plateau, in addition to Tanum and Ringi).
It was bought by Boni Eiendom A / S, Bestun, Tom Boni.

Boni name is foreign (hmmm mafia connections.Savoy ex?): Who has power far up in Freemasons network. ( dok  )
The very small farm in the forest didnt had any road connection.An the forest surrounding belong to the big farm Stokker.
But Boni didnt care and start make road through the private forest.The Owner of the forest was angry and try stop the
road building.After a while the work was stopped.But then again the got permition again to build the the road by some
mafia Authoritys.Police boss the district that time was Terje Nybøe.Some strange going on there now obvius.


Hmmm Bergjlot Webster (Former Nordic Shipowners' Association), her father was before 
Riksmeklingsman,His name was
Reidar Webster .He lives at the far end of Bygdøy (cf. tlf.cat). Next to him was set 
up a building where AA holding is located. 
The chairman of the company is lawyer Aksel Akselsen.

Acording to tele. cat. Son of president in Libanon has 
adress here, her is his yt:
Virgin Island -British Embassady UAE

Y some strange happens norway shipping . dok : ( Blackcastle )
Obvius involved in smuggling.

Mention also obvious some connection between Norway and arabic mafia ( Vøyenenga ):

Beirut Explosion

Borgarting og advokater

Pst pervers

advo / freemansion


virtuelle overgrep

Norway Childcare


About Elden and the Birgitte Tengs case :
