nr 1:Vennesla - Det mørkestland fastland :
kong harald Bildet viser en barnesangkor oppvisning i Vennesla som Kong Harald
var til stede på. 4 mnd senere blir 3 av disse barna kidnappet og bortført til ukjen sted av Vennesla

barnevern helt uten grunn.Hmm de to jentene er muligens plassert hos en rik familie
på Voss(reiseliv).Men hvor er gutten hen? Obs.the mother give me permission to publish the pics (she in the movie), they have
have escaped to Kosovo.

kong harald  <  Video  >

Dok: Agder lagmannrett
Hmm når jeg nå igjen prøver å kontakte varsleren i denne saken nekter hun å snakke.Livende redd muligens.
hvorfor det da? + økonoimske problemer pga advokat utgifter tror jeg.
Brudd på Menneskerettigheter : Norge med Kong Harald og Erna Solberg (  Heroin ?   ) i spissen , er nå dømt av den europeiske
menneskerets domstolen ( EMD ) for grove  brudd på Menneskerettigheter .

nr 2 : Kirkens Bymisjon  Oslo -Nana Marie center

kjell inge ropstad
My family was at Familiehuset Nanna 
Marie. After various tests, the child
has developed well and excellently.
We were there for 5 months with the baby.  
situation was not acute. This is the 
second painful experience we have had 
in two years.
We have experienced twice that it is a
nightmare and life imprisoned in one's 
own body to lose one's child to child
It is about two years that the child 
welfare service has ruined our lives.
First, they kidnapped our first son. 
And inflicted on him post traumatic 
by separation. When have they taken 
away our dear 5 month old daughter. 
We parents have not seen our son in
a year and a half. Who is responsible
in this country for the child welfare's
criminal acts against children and the
parents who die little by little every 
day inside due to the enormous psychological
torture of the child welfare.
Help us those who hear our voice.
Help us get our daughter back. 
We have not done anything wrong. 
We have given our daughter love, 
security, closeness.
Kjell Ingolf Ropstad - krf
Satanic monster-criminal pervert
kidnapping and abduction of 

Krkens Bymisjon - Oslo - Bv-kidnapping - video    Kjell Ingolf Ropstad -krf

Cild Care kidnapping - video Kjell Ingolf Ropstad -krf
Where is the child now? Such kidnapping and forced adoption is strictly prohibited, cf. EMD
Hmmm, this bv video has been deleted from facebook. It proves ugly Panic.
This is serious misuse of evidence and is punishable. And it can be mentioned that a lawyer in Elden law firm
named Cecilia Dinardi is active in the Church's city mission. What does she know about the case?
And I remember
2 misjioners at nanna marie lived on
nesodtangem. (
tlf .cat ). Against the Bunnefjord. Bv lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen also lives on nesoddtangen (in the middle). 1 km
maybe.?.Hmmm ok.
The pic of the police is taken from fb site date 7.nov.2019.Big haloven party oslo was date : 28.okt 2019. ( doc ). 1 guest this party.
Linda helleland,was earlier Norway child care minister

nr 3 - Brumundal - Ringsaker :

Child Robbery video: video

Videoen is from Moelv .
(Brumundal /Ringsaker ) barnevern).
The moviemake in this case
 threated very criminal from Oslo company:
Agenda kaupang .(according anonymes vitness ). Agendakaupang
( Hege Askestad )

What happens to the vitnes?


Video show 1 pervert pehophile og satanical old man robbing
child ,coop with hedmark Police

Hedmark /Oppland Policedistrict ( Hamar) . Bosses:

Johan Brekke ( Politimester )
Jørn Presterudstuen ( PST)
he came from Norway secret police.  (  22.juli-2011 )
Arne Hammersmark ( visepolitimester)

Hedmark Tingrett :Brumundal case - Satanical from hell:

Statsadvokat Iris Øsp L. Storås+"whats is name of police man in back?"
brumundal satanical
Drawing show emplye Helnor A/S :Sigmund Hjorth (daglig leder, f.v.) Dag Solberg (25 års ans), Mads Maurud (30 års ans.), Tor Inge Dahlen (35 års ans), togehter with med Helge Nordahl Hagen (owner).
Ringsaker blad


Satan - Night on Bald mountain
satani hedmark
Drawing show Tor Inge Dalen.
He has close connnection to the biggest slaughterhouse in norway : Nortuna.
in Ringsaker(close to OL-city Li