
Norway IT - Scam

kong harald

Drawing of Norway Royal family from pict december 2019 include som text fields with word reminds
some satanical cases in norway ( child care , blackcaste , whistleblowers , + epstein ).
History : Me was chatting with asia girls cam to Cam.also in skype .Many girls like me send some money
for nude show.Me tell me cant do that anymore. Its maybee forbidden.
At Same day me go local buss to local town Asker for dinner and shopping (Asker-Sandvika buss route 270 ).
Then suddenly me saw 1 middle age woman.
Ah ok, remeber, it was a woman me write about in other blogg. It was lesbian
girlfriend to new police boss in Oslo District . (  description in the drawing ) : Hmmm whats provocation was this.
Me experience provations manytimes.But me protected by some top secret. And everytime Norway justice
system doing criminl provoactons against me , something top secret always fight back , eks:  politidirektoratet .

it svindel
Beate Gangås, new Boss of Oslo
police district.Before she worked
PST ( police security police)
it svindel
Line Stubberud ; lesbian girlfrind to
Beate Gangås .

When me come home , 1 asian girl start chat me in Skype with cellphone and  instead asking for money
She told she got problem to pay for load (electronic cp load , kontantkort ).She tell about
me could buy load for her , cost only 7$, so cheap. Hmmm 7$ so little.And she told about
Me look , This is wellknown it-company.Just like paypal , amazon , ebay etc.
Hmmm me like try just for fun, 7$ so little.And me fill out schema with visa cardnr , name etc just like
in amazon and ebay, But when me finish sceme, there was a new scheme.Asking for my my e-banking
information.I just read such criminal cheat in newspaper. Me call my bank DNB, he tell me to quit this site
Immediately..So I was not defrauded and cheatet.Me also called, and they told this ebanking
fill in schema was false.And me had to check browser and cookies.(hmmm me used firefox-browser).
How is this criminal cheat possible?
I know boss earlier secret police with name Marie Benedicte Bjørnland dreaming of having system to cheat
whistleblowers and others. with criminal it system.She example made a speek in millitary society some years ago.
She  dreaming have and installer to e-install keytrackers in peoples computers.
In other blogg me write about girl-video in a chat-room.1 person named Jarle Avsnes was having a false webcam room:

 Me discover it cos me asked false video g for skp . hahah and he add me. He inv me in group. it was
1 other in group. Jarle told later this man had connection to Kripos.And that they had video record my cam.
But me dont show nude in cam room anymore haha ( kripos=Norway criminal police).
"Og plutselig ringer en person ved navn Jarle Avsnes fra Vadheim i Sogn og snakker truende
Han bor nå muligens i Bærum (Haslum) og han sier han samarbeider med politiet.Hm kanske
han bor i kollektiv med barnebarnet til Torodd Veiding (dok)? Det falske webcam rommet som
Jarle og hans venn brukte, var veldig proffesionelt laget.Mye tyder da på at Politidirektoratet
var involvert (  Marie Benedicte Bjørnland - POD ). Jeg vet min opptreden på cam ble filmet.
Heldigvis viser jeg ikke naken på den siden mer. Isteden chatter jeg med cam jenter på Skype"

Me was told Jarle Avsnes got arrested and prisoned cos this case .  And ketil Haukaas was fired. But why was not responsible Police also

Marie Benedicte Bjørnland.
Boss Norway Police
it svindel
Boss Criminal Police in Norway (kripos)
Ketil Haukaas
knm helge ingstad
New Boss Norway secret police (PST)
Hans Sverre Sjøvold

I also know secret police in denmark some years ago buy e-system to spy on people and.........
I also read queen of Denmark just was victum of a robbery.And that euro Royals coop very close.

King of Norway is very angry abut the bloggs me write about Norway and Euro Royals:
sado-pedo , blackcastle-eng , whistleblowers , Norway Child Care

I know King of Norway has asked for help by authoritys.


Drawing from Castle dinner.What are Prime ministert of  Erna Solberg talking about with
King Harald of Norway ?

Resume of this blogg is that Norway Top leve people involved in the in criminal cheat when
try to buy load from
Day after  there was signals just like 18.july 2011 , that prove that the assumptions is correct.
And before the cheat

Hmmm next video show Norway secret police lie for the whole world about norway 22.july 2011.

ellen hagemo

proof : historical

Hmmm the cp nr. the load  (7$ ) was to be paid for was: <prefix>09306071425.

Finnøy murder

Report about possible double murder At Finnøy Island / Rogaland
Jmf Diverse it-signaler  på nett : fb og gulesider.
Saken gjelder 2 personer; Jarle Avsnes fra Vadheim i Sogn og Didrik Avsnes fra Sveio distriktet
i Rogland som begge er
forsvunnet.Ingen som vet hvor hvor de er. De kunne begge være brysomme vitner.
Jarle Avsnes i forbinedelse med Kripos
svindel saken beskrevet i bloggen : efraud sogn.
Og Didrik Avsnes fortalte i siste chat at han var blitt utsatt for HomoPedo overgrep.

"no er eg også blitt blitt pult i rumpa"

Jmf Diverse it-signaler  på nett : fb og gulesider.

Saken gjelder 2 personer; Jarle Avsnes fra Vadheim i Sogn og Didrik Avsnes fra Sveio distriktet i Rogland

som begge er forsvunnet.Ingen som vet hvor hvor de er. De kunne begge være brysomme vitner.
Jarle Avsnes i forbinedelse med Kripos svindel saken beskrevet i bloggen : efraud sogn.

 Og Didrik Avsnes fortalte i siste chat at han var blitt utsatt for Homo overgrep.

It signaler som kan tyde på at de er drept er beskrevet på twitter:
Finnøy teori
bilde sølv verkstedet på Finnøy hvor negeren har adresse
bilde neger med samme navn som jarle på fb
søk didrik avsnes, så får man opp didrik helle avsnes istreden
På fb så er samme neger også venn med didrik h. avsnes
Didrik h Avsnes hadde før adresse på Finnøy( Jmf Gule sider).Nå nære forbindelser.

Det siste som jeg hørt fra Didirk Avsnes var at han fortalte:  "NO ER OGSÅ EG BLITT PULT I RUMPA"

Hvem var det som gjorde det?

Åpenbart at Politi Rogaland er  mulig involvert i dobbelt drap.
Anmeldelsen gjelder derfor følgende personer
Politimester Hans Vik , Vise Politimester Gøril Våland , PST Stavanger Stig Ledaal og
Haugesund Politi  Linn Kristin Fagerland .

Åpenbart at PST-sentralt også har mulig kjennskap til saken og derfor involvert.
Anmeldelsen gjelder derfor følgende personer fra PST : Roger Berg, Trond Hugubakken og
Inger Haugland.
Oppmerksom på at en jente ved navn Astri hetlesæter fra Bekkjarvik på Austervold er forsvunnet.
Sist obsevert på den private instutisjonen Wecare på Sotra. Anmeldelsen gjelder derfor mulig
kriminalitet som hun er utsatt for.

Venstre-leder Guri Melby håper å overtale sin gode venninne, men Iselin Nybø tar nå et endelig politisk farvel.
Iselin Nybø fra Randaberg i Stavanger . Samboer med en revisor med etternavn Haukaas.Tidl. kripos sjef heter
også Kjetil "Haukaas",og er også  i fra Stavanger. Medansvalig i den fatale E-svindel saken beskrevet :
Esvindel-Jarle Avsnes.

English text :

Cf. Various IT signals online: fb and yellow pages. The case concerns 2 people; Jarle Avsnes from Vadheim in Sogn and Didrik Avsnes from Sveio district in Rogland who are both disappeared.No one knows where where they are. They could both be troublesome witnesses. Jarle Avsnes in connection with Kripos fraud case described in the blog: efraud parish. And Didrik Avsnes told in the last chat that he had been subjected to Homo abuse. IT signals that may indicate that they have been killed are described on twitter: Finnøy theory picture silver workshop on Finnøy where the negro has an address picture negro with the same name as jarle on fb search didrik avsnes, then you get up didrik helle avsnes istreden On fb, the same negro is also friends with didrik h. Avsnes Didrik h Avsnes previously had an address on Finnøy (Cf. Yellow pages). Now close connections. Obviously, Police Rogaland is possibly involved in double murder. The review therefore applies to the following people Chief of Police Hans Vik, Deputy Chief of Police Gøril Våland, PST Stavanger Stig Ledaal and Haugesund Police Linn Kristin Fagerland. Obviously, PST Central also has possible knowledge of the case and is therefore involved. The review therefore applies to the following people from PST: Roger Berg, Trond Hugubakken and Inger Haugland. Attention that a girl named Astri hetlesæter from Bekkjarvik on Austervold has disappeared. Last observed at the private institution Wecare at Sotra. The review is therefore possible crime to which she is exposed.
Mention more About Didrik Avsnes.After last talk, me could see him on the ,he was in Sandnes subcity of stavanger.Me rem. now,
the house system he was in, was Sandnes psyciatrical hospital. "paranoid scizofrenia psychotic hahah"?
then no more snap .map. He was killed cos he could be a hurriedly vitnes against he police obvious.Than means it must have been
a police man who homo pedo raped didrik. Me know from other videochat that district, That boss police that district, obviously
like young boys Dok.
Many young boys in that chat .Read about Rogaland police and police boss Hans Vik.
Hmm pic Sandnes Bup, wit some androchrome fog on twitter and also about 16 yo g
Silje( chid care ): 

Hmm Guri Melby fra Trøndelag, noe vampyr krim der da? Hmm Muligens nabobygda til Klæbu,Bratsberg? 

Report case to spec. police pic: link

Interrestings happens just after this blogg, about possible Vampire crime in District around Trondeim city,Norway.They suddenly discover 12 cold sick people.And of cause the reasen was corona, and district there therefor want start mass kvaksination 2000 people++ .About 1 week later also Norway health
minister, also from that district, like start new mass kvaxxination
in Norway.It is Obvious , the spike protein injection has nothing
to do with health,, Its to make people weaker for
about so much vampire crime .
The best corona-vaccine is the russian one and it dont
contain The dangerous Spike protein me read.but it is unlegal in norway.

borgarting lagmanrett



Norsk Folkehelseinstitutt - FHI

Politi - ledelse


Child abuse - voyeur - ladyboy medicine

